Finding My Code
You don't need to be a code breaker. Locating your code is easy when you know what you're looking for. Here are a few tips:
1 Near the top
Codes are usually printed near the top of the container or on lids. Sometimes they're printed right on the label.
2 Begins with two numbers
The first part of the code will always be two numbers (between 01 and 56). Codes never start with letters.
3 Ends with 1 to 5 digits
The second part of the code (after the first two numbers) can be one to five digits long, can contain numbers or letters and may include a dash.
4 Colons?
Codes never have colons, so if you see one of those, keep looking!
Real World Examples
Here are some real-life examples.
Found your Code?
Now that you've found your code, enter it in the search box below.
5 Still can't see it?
Not all products have codes, so if what you see printed on your container doesn't follow any of the previous rules, you're out of luck.
Check the ingredients label. It could be that the product doesn't contain real dairy. Or perhaps, it's a new dairy that hasn't been added to our database yet.
If you found a code that looks legitimate but we're not finding a match in our database, feel free to reach out.